In some ways I feel like a lot has happened this last week and in others I feel like much hasn't happened at all.
I guess a lot has happened, it's just been a lot of the same old same old.
Tuesday night I didn't have to go into work because I had some reinforcement training taking place Wednesday morning at 8am so they canceled my Tuesday night shift. It was rather nice to be able to spend an extra night at home this week. Dave and I found ourselves watching While You Were Sleeping and then hitting up Baskin n' Robbins afterwards for some Sundaes. While we were there the attendant started talking to her co-worker about some problem she was having with her chemistry homework. Dave asked for some clarification about her problem and then completely answered her question. I'm dating a smart fella' I guess. All our friends found it rather funny when they heard the story because that's just how Dave is. No matter where he goes it seems he finds some way to help someone with their homework.
Wednesday my reinforcement training let out early so I ended up getting done 2.5hrs early. I used that time to go home and watch Sleepless in Seattle and work on knitting Dave's hat. I was doing pretty well on it but hit a snag towards the end of last week and lost a couple of stitches. I ended up starting over completely while I watched the movie. After the movie was over my roommate Jaime expressed interest in watching An Affair to Remember a movie that they talk about quite frequently in Sleepless. It just so turns out that I bought the movie back in December so we threw that one in right after Sleepless finished. After Dave got back that night we made plans to go see the 9:40pm showing of Tron at the dollar theater. Dave said that he needed to do some homework beforehand though so I set myself to making cookies. Needless to say we both got distracted and missed Tron and ended up just popping in The Italian Job instead.
Thursday, was the usual. I had the day off so I puttered around, worked on my knitting more, watched Fools Rush In, and then went and did P90X Yoga with Jim and Dave. Afterwards, Dave came over to my place to hang out for a bit. He worked on some homework while I deep cleaned my kitchen which desperately needed it. Then we ended up making a late night run to Taco Bell/Wendy's with Lacey and Lisa. After that we went back to my place and Dave ate his food while I snacked on grapes and made myself some peas. He helped Lisa revise a Spanish paper, and then he and I gave each other back massages. Can I just say I've never thought massages were anything special, but for some reason they have felt super good lately. I think I've maybe been torking my back at the gym more than I realize.
Today, after Dave got back from campus we went out sledding and to dinner at a place called SmashBurger with some friends. I was just in one of those quiet moods, which I feel bad about because I know that Dave has less fun when I am because he feels like he has to cheer me up. It's not that I'm even in a bad mood really, it's just that I'm a little more quiet, but Dave I feel like then hangs back with me and doesn't have as much fun as he could or would like. He tried to bring me out of it a couple times, but sometimes I'm just in a mood and it's kind of difficult to extract myself from that even though I really did try for him. After dinner I took him up to Draper so that he could spend the night with his cousin/best friend who is getting married a week from tomorrow. Dave is pretty sad about it. He says that he is happy for his cousin but sad for himself. haha He's a funny kid. I spent the rest of my night before work looking for a tie.
Dave has this light celery green shirt that he really likes and that he looks really good in. The only problem is that he doesn't have a tie to go with it. He says that his old roommate had a tie that was a darker green that he use to borrow that went really well with it. Dave has a internship interview with Raytheon down in Tucson this next week and I know he's a little nervous so I was wanting to get him a tie to match the shirt but will still look good with a white shirt just as a kind of good luck/knock 'em dead present. However, I'm having a dickens of a time finding one that seems to be the right shade of green. I got in touch with his old roommate tonight though and he's going to bring the tie that Dave use to borrow by tomorrow so I can take a look at it and get a feel for what color/shade of green I'm looking for. Hopefully I'll have some luck tomorrow finding one that will go well with this dadgum shirt of his.
1 day ago
Or maybe you like massages now because a cute boy is giving it to you. I know the massages I got fr my boyfriends were always worlds better then the ones my brothers gave.
I guess that could be it. But I've had massages from boys before and I don't ever remember thinking they were anything special...
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