15 interesting facts about myself:
1. While I know that I'm not a dog or anything, that I'm actually quite attractive, I do feel that I'm extremely unphotogenic. I always manage to close my eyes at just the right moment so I look high or someone happens to take it from angle making me appear to have a double chin, etc. This being the case I like to make goofy faces when a picture is being taken, that way if it looks cute/funny then great! And if not I can say that it wasn't necessarily intended to look cute. This photo was taken on a Friday night at a burger place called JcW's with my friends Lisa, Dan (Chapps), Ashley, and Ashley's friend Jared and for some reason I really like it.
2. For as gunshy as I am about physical affection, my favorite thing to do in a relationship is simply cuddle. Weird I know and I wasn't really aware of it myself until Dave mentioned it a month or so ago, and it really is true. I mean I liked kissing him and all but my favorite times were when he would come up from behind me, slip his arms around my waist and just rest his chin on my shoulder.
3. For as discriminatory and judgmental as I can be sometimes I really love helping people in need. I remember reading in the scriptures Mosiah 2:17 and having that really hit me while I was in High School. And then too when it talks about the same thing 3 Nephi. We're all working towards the same thing and it's our responsibility to helps others along the way. I guess I really have found the right major (Social Work) for myself.
4. College has really changed my views, tastes, and ways of thinking...definitely for the better. I've learned to keep an open mind and try new things. I can now say that the band Muse is most assuredly one of my favs., that sushi is in fact delicious, ultimate frisbee is a great past time, nothing beats BYU football, that things aren't always as they seem, that people are just people and we have to find a way to love them for who they are, that getting upset and impatient is just a waste of energy most of the time because it likely won't change anything, that some sci-fi stuff isn't so bad like Stargate: Atlantis and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (so funny!), try your hardest at whatever you do because people will respect you for it, that Mom's cinnamon roll recipe really is one of the best out there, and that the only true way to happiness is through living gospel principles and following our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
5. My weakness in life is cookies! I really honestly do believe that a good cookie is my favorite dessert. A nice warm Paradise Bakery & Cafe chocolate chip cookie...you can't beat that. I've compiled a bunch of different chocolate chip cookie recipes and someday want to try them all out at once to see which one suits me best.
6. I'm a French Fry fiend!! I love them soo much!! Sometimes I don't even want the burger or whatever consists of the other part of the meal...just the fries.
7. I love to cook. Sometimes when I'm bored at work I get on allrecipes.com and look at recipe reviews.
8. I'm working on changing my "blank face" because apparently it's one that screams "I'm totally angry" or "I don't like you" which is hardly ever what I'm thinking. I guess when I'm not thinking about anything in particular I just look mad. I'm working on changing it to a smile or maybe a nice pensive face, who knows?
9. As I've gotten older I've learned the value of staying active. When I was a kid I was always the one glued to the TV...not so much anymore. I still have my periods when I just feel like being a bum, but as a rule I like doing things, going to the gym, or playing a game of ultimate frisbee. Playing board games with my pals, or cooking, or taking a trip the hot springs or the rope swing out in Mona, UT etc.
10. I'm not really all that crafty, but I've always wanted to be desperately. That being the case I find myself constantly undertaking projects like knitting a hat, or crocheting an afghan, or soap carving, or painting, etc....I just wish the looked better.
11. The gospel means more to me than anything else in this life....'nough said.
12. The best way to get me to do something is to tell me that I can't do it. I'm trying to crochet an afghan right now and have been asking help from this guy at work who is like a crocheting master. He told me the other day that it's maybe just a bit too advanced for me and that if I bring it in he'll start it for me. Challenge accepted. I'm now more determined than ever to complete all parts of this afghan on my own!
13. I'm realizing that maybe I'm just a little too independent. The other day some of my friends were watching How I Met Your Mother which...don't even get me started on that show. But the characters were talking and they were like "what's the other word for selfish?" "Independent?" I hadn't really realized it but being independent is kind of being a little selfish. At the very least I'm depriving someone of the same satisfaction that I get from helping people. At the worst if someone wants to spend time with me but I say "no" to their help it could sound like I don't want them around....which isn't the case I just feel bad because I feel like i'm keeping them from other things. I can also see too much independence being shockingly similar to pride. I just have to come to grips with the fact that I can't do everything on my own and sometimes it's necessary to ask for/accept help.
14. I have a very eclectic taste in music. I like everything from Nirvana to Maroon 5 to Death Cab for Cutie to Rihanna to Kenny Chesney to Eminem to Jimmy Eat World to Mumford and Sons to Keith Urban to Mandy Moore to Sarah Barielles to Nelly to Flo Ridda to Eric Church to Sherwood to Augustana to The Black Eyed Peas to Bob Marley to The Beatles to The Temptations to Stevie Wonder to Van Morrison etc.
15. I'm dadgum terrible at sports! My lack of coordination does not help. I've always wanted to be good at sports but sadly have never succeeded. That doesn't mean I quit trying though, and oddly enough a lot of guys respect me for that...or for my willingness to go out there and make a fool of myself in front of them. haha
1 day ago
word on the music fact. you should read my most recent post
I love cookies more than any other dessert! rock on felicia!
does that mean that you haven't given up on learning to ride a bike???? :) Love ya' And you are so right on about everything else!!!
One of my favorite food blogs is Rookie Cookie. Tons of great recipes! You should check it out.
I love this! Really even though you're a hop-skip-and-a-jump away, we haven't spent the time together like I have wanted to. Reading these just make me smile especially remembering little things when we were kids. I was always so excited to hear that you were coming to visit, and I haven't put forth the effort to get together. I truly do miss you, and can't wait to set some time so we can catch up again.
BTW, I LOVE your mom's cinnamon rolls! By far the best!
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