Thankfully, I've had a bucket list since I was 16! So that makes this one really easy! If you're really all that interested you can access said list on my facebook! Ha! Done and done.
Now, on to other things that have been going on in the life of Felicia...which as you will be presently surprised is...not a whole lot.
Thursday was the last day of finals for BYU and also my commencement! AHHHH!!! To think after nearly 5 years it finally came! My graduation from college! It was pretty cool. We got to have Elder Richard G. Scott address us. He spoke a lot to us about the force for good that we can be in the world...especially with the educations that we received and how we shouldn't give up even when times are tough. It was really cool to hear. Then Friday was my actual convocation...where my specific college met and they called our name and we got walk across the stage and receive our degrees. Pretty cool beans if you ask me. At my convocation my old Forming Marital Relationships professor Dr. Busby spoke to us about not being "too expert" in the home....especially since our degrees are in family science. He mentioned that a lot of times our families don't want someone to talk down to them in an expert voice but that they just want someone who will get down and fight in the trenches with them. A good reminder I think. After my convocation Mom and Dad insisted on snapping some pics so look for some of those to come. And that was pretty much it for my awesome weekend! I think Friday night Jim taught me how to play Chess. I was pretty excited about that since I've been wanting to learn to play for a while. Oh, and Saturday I went shopping with Jessica after work and I ended up buying myself a miniature wooden crossbow! It's pretty tight. And that night my lovely roommates and friends took me out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner to celebrate my graduation! All in all a pretty great weekend if I do say so myself.
Saturday was move out day at the 'Hood and so now the number of people out and about is shockingly small. That should change this week with the start of Spring classes at BYU but the number still won't be too big even with that. Which, I don't mind too much since I do better in smaller groups of people where I can actually get to know people. Hopefully, this summer will turn out as perfectly as last summer did but we shall see. Hanging out with the peeps tonight was pretty fun though.
Speaking of peeps though.... I told this story to Mom and Dad while they were here for graduation and I know that they'd be utterly disappointed if this wasn't documented in some measure. So, about a month ago Jim and T and I were sitting around on a Friday night contemplating activities when Jim mentioned that he'd always wondered if you could stick Peeps to like a wall or something if you heated up the bottom. We contemplated the idea for a little bit, decided it was worth a try, and then promptly went and collected our friends and went and bought PVC pipe so that we could make marshmallow blow darts guns instead. Well two weeks ago my friend Dan "Chaps" and I decided that Peeps were a go. So that Thursday night Chaps and T and I went to the store and bought a bunch of boxes of Peeps at the amazingly low price of $1/box. We went back to the Hood and grabbed some friends including Ryan, Lacey, Lisa, and Colin and proceeded to not exactly heat the bottom of the Peeps up and stick them to things....but light them on fire. They burned a'ight on there own, but then we soaked them in finger nail polish remover and they lit up even better. Then T decided we should see what they would do if we soaked them in gas. Seemed like a good idea. So we bought some gas and proceeded to soak some Peeps in it. Everything was going great until the gas ate through the plastic cup T had used for the soaking and we ended up with gas all over the back lot where the burning was taking place. Well, at that point of course the only option we had was to light the thing on T did. Wow did it go up...and it singed the hairs off T's arm. haha I think Lisa did take some pictures so I'll have to see if I can rip them off her facebook and post them here for reference however, at this point I neither have the time or the motivation as I am at work. So yeah, there's an update on my adventures! :D And that's about all this kid wrote.
1 day ago
LOL After reading that story, I have to share this website with you...just in case you haven't seen it.
Congrats on the college grad! So proud of you, Leese!
See - I told you it should be shared!!! LOL Love you!! It really was fun to have a chance to share this awesome weekend with you! BTW - Grandpa is having surgery on Tuesday...don't know what hospital but will try to keep you informed.
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