Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 10- Songs you listen to you when you're happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad

So I know it's been a while since my last post. And that was kind of the whole point of the "30 Days of Blogging" get me to do it more regularly, but what can I say? April has just been an extremely crazy month and it has gone by so friggin fast it's ridic-uh-lus. There will be a short follow up post containing a bit of an explanation. And...if I don't get around to that then I guess you'll live.Now back to the business of this 30 Days of Blogging thing. You know what this post is supposed to contain from the title and let me tell you what, this is going to be really hard for me because as I already stated in my first post I have an extremely eclectic taste in music.
For starters, I will tell you that I do believe Starlight by Muse might be my favorite song of all time.

As for this category business....

When I'm happy it might be something akin to...
Perfect Day by Lady Antebellum
Because it reminds me of last summer and days spent chilling with my peeps wasting time by the Provo River.

or it might be...
Extraordinary by Mandy Moore
Because it's kind of empowering and makes me feel I can do anything!

or it could be...
The First Single by The Format
Because it reminds me of good times working at Blockbuster and that sometimes you just need to get over yourself.

When I'm sad I might listen to...
Hurt- by Johnny Cash
Because sometimes I just need to be sad and wallow.

Just a Dream by Nelly

Because I can really relate to the confusion that he talks about and wondering what's going to happen. Not necessarily with relationships but just with life in general.

The Scientist by Coldplay
Because Coldplay is awesome...and it's a blend of the previous two.

When I'm bored...
These Are My People by Rodney Atkins
Because he sounds totally happy with the life he has been given. 

Do You Believe in Magic? by The Loving Spoonful
Because sometime you just can't beat oldies.

3 am by Matchbox 20
Because it makes me think of my childhood.

When I'm hyped....
Better Life by Keith Urban
Because it reminds me that you live the life you want to lead. Again not just about relationships but just life.

Club Can't Handle Me Right Now- Flo Ridda
Because it has a great beat and the lyrics aren't totally morally repugnant.

That Green Gentleman by Panic! At the Disco
Because things change...and that's okay.

When I'm mad...
Johnny Cash by Jason Aldean
Because sometimes I get fed up.

Hot N Cold by Katy Perry
Because sometimes relationships suck!
(side note: when I looked this up I totally found another video of a spoof she did on this song with Elmo for Sesame Street! haha)

Let It Happen by Jimmy Eat World
Because sometimes people refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

And there you have it!
P.S. this actually took me a substantial amount of least 1.5hrs.


Lisa said...

I really like your blog background.
I've been totally slacking on blogging so I didn't even realize you were doing the 30 days thing. I am going to read them all and get caught up when my poopy finals are done.
And I love Perfect Day.

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

Love your list...LOVE MANDY MOORE, seriously.