Lots has been happening since I last posted. I got back to Provo from the Christmas Break on the fourth of January just in time for classes to start on the fifth! haha When I first started the semester I didn't think that it was going to be too hard, but now I realize that it may just be more work than I bargained for! My first week of school I had a test in Latin, I had two tests today alone, one in Latin and another in World Civ. Which would have been fine but my World Civ. test could have gone a whole lot better. It was an essay exam, which is fine except for I'm like the most verbose person known to man and I only had an hour to do it in, and when the TA's said that they were looking for detail and not generalizations, that's what I tried to give them. And I succeeded with two of the civilizations I was discussing, the only problem was that I was supposed to talk about four but ran out of time after the first two and had to leave it at generalizations as far as the last two were concerned. At the review session that I went to the TA's said that the average length of a paper is four to five pages! Oh, my gosh! When I talked to my roommmate Michelle about it she said that tests such as that are usually given in the testing center and that you would have to write really fast to crank out a four to five page essay in an hour. So that makes me feel marginally better about it but I still don't think I did very well at all. Matty was there for me, supportive as usual, although he mentioned that he didn't particularly like the fact that I worry so much and beat myself up over stuff that I can't change.
Which, by the way news there, even though I'm sure everyone who reads this is already aware, because I told Mom, and let's face it half of the United States probably knows by now! (haha love ya' Mom!) Matty and I have officially started dating. We had been getting closer just before we left Provo for the Christmas Break, and while we were gone we talked every night on the phone. The night I got back to Provo, he came over to visit, and I basically saw him everyday after. I introduced him to the comic genius that is Nacho Libre (XxOoXOxoXoxO haha) and he liked it, or at least didn't think it was utterly stupid like most people, which made me happy. Everyone could basically see me falling for him but myself. Earlier in the month my roommate Aurie said to me "The only one who can't see how crazy you are about him is you!" A few days later I got a taste of what it was like to go a day without seeing him, which I hadn't done in at least a month, and I have to say that I really didn't care for it. So after a bit more waffling on my part I realized that he's my best friend, he's sweet to me, and has been so patient because he's known what he wanted since at least November-December time frame but he's stuck with me through my indecision, he even told me that if I wanted him to stop liking me that he would because in the end he really just wanted me to be happy, he cares more about me and what I want than himseld and I finally admitted to myself how I felt and then of course I let him know. Today he took me out on a date, and as we were sitting at dinner he said to me "You know how they say you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink?" "What they don't tell you is that you can salt the horse's oats." Apparently, that day that I had to go without seeing him was planned, he was "salting my oats", trying to get me to realize how much I hated not seeing him. His plan worked.
Last Saturday I got to go to the open house of the Draper Temple. My roommate Jessica's family had bought tickets for ten and they were going to drive out here from CO to go, but the weather was too bad and they couldn't make the trip. So Jessica invited Matt and I to tag along with her and Ben. It was so beautiful in there! We got to go into the sealing room which is something we didn't have the opportunity to do at the open house for the Nauvoo temple, and it was really cool to look into the mirrors and see them reflect back and forth forever. It was so peaceful in there as well.
Well that's about it for updates on this kid!
P.S. Wanda and Hannah I'm learning a new routine in my tap dance class and will totally have to teach you guys! It's fun.
2 days ago